Do you know how irresponsible is it to leave a comment:" XXX, update , update!"

What is that suppose to be?
It's a place for comments, not for instructions!
I don't like that.
This is my blog, "MY" blog....and I can do whatever with it!
I'm so pissed, I ran away to Bandung.
Things were not so well, as I need to wake up by 6.30am to catch the 8.00am "travel" to Bandung from Kelapa Gading.

You just know the day will not be a good one when you have breakfast at some place with a name like this......

Ok....for those who don't literally translates as :" Karapitan Unlucky Meatballs".
How lucky can one be after eating those unlucky meatballs?
Worse still, they even differentiate GOOD unlucky meatball from BAD unlucky meatballs.

Then I was like a mad, excited 5 year old who keeps on screaming out loud the only characters he knew .
" Wow, Spiderman!"

"It's a bird, its a plane, no, it's Superman!"

"OMG! It's Wolverine! Highlander! Terminator!"
(What do they have in common that makes them stand together anyway?)

I lost control......
WTF.......what one earth is SonGoKu standing besides Bruce Lee and Wolverine?"

Anyway, these are just the attention seeker of the factory outlets concentrated on Jalan Chihampelas.
I got so frustrated with all those shit, I just head home and update this blog without buying anything in Bandung.
So, are you happy I updated my blog?
Now go do your work, and don't post me instructions!
and no, I did not go up on the London Eye!