Do you know how irresponsible is it to leave a comment:" XXX, update , update!"

What is that suppose to be?
It's a place for comments, not for instructions!
I don't like that.
This is my blog, "MY" blog....and I can do whatever with it!
I'm so pissed, I ran away to Bandung.
Things were not so well, as I need to wake up by 6.30am to catch the 8.00am "travel" to Bandung from Kelapa Gading.

You just know the day will not be a good one when you have breakfast at some place with a name like this......

Ok....for those who don't literally translates as :" Karapitan Unlucky Meatballs".
How lucky can one be after eating those unlucky meatballs?
Worse still, they even differentiate GOOD unlucky meatball from BAD unlucky meatballs.

Then I was like a mad, excited 5 year old who keeps on screaming out loud the only characters he knew .
" Wow, Spiderman!"

"It's a bird, its a plane, no, it's Superman!"

"OMG! It's Wolverine! Highlander! Terminator!"
(What do they have in common that makes them stand together anyway?)

I lost control......
WTF.......what one earth is SonGoKu standing besides Bruce Lee and Wolverine?"

Anyway, these are just the attention seeker of the factory outlets concentrated on Jalan Chihampelas.
I got so frustrated with all those shit, I just head home and update this blog without buying anything in Bandung.
So, are you happy I updated my blog?
Now go do your work, and don't post me instructions!
and no, I did not go up on the London Eye!
LOL!! ya larrr ya larrr your blog larrr
In my defence, "updatee updatee" comes up as part of the waiting process. Don't you see?!?!!!! we are your loyal, eager, caring readers waiting for your update from jakarta! and when you dont update too long, we start to wonder (and worry!) what happen to you! HAH!
and you do know there is this whole city called Malang
Ok ok...i just found out that day......Malang is a city in East Jawa......haha...i just have nothing to blog about!
I though Bandung is a nice place to travel .. though u r not really 'travel' there, i suppose ..
sheesh ask to update also can get offended
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