How far can you go to meet a friend?
How much time and money are you willing to sacrifice to meet a friend of the same sex?
Ok, maybe he's a friend since 7 years old, and maybe he's the first person who also writes with his left hand that I knew.
But still, if it's ain't for UNESCO World Heritage Site No.592 near where he's currently residing, I won't even bother!
(dear friend, if you are reading this: I never meant to be so mean, I actually went there to see how your girlfriend looks like!)
Nevertheless, its worth every penny and all the time + effort to be able to witness one of the greatest building in the world -- Candi Borobudur.
Tell me you never heard bout Candi Borobudur and you have to be ashame of yourself. It's in the history textbook! Sejarah Dunia, form 4, remember?
I was told that the top of the building resembles a folded Bohdi leaf.
But due to ligthing damages,it now looks more like an overturned wooden bucket.
You can't get enough of the beautiful architecture, even the rain could not stop people from getting the best shot of Borobudur.
After Candi Borobudur, its time to visit the Prambanan Temple.
To be honest, I myself did not hear much about Prambanan Temple before my trip here, but it's a crime not to pay a visit to this place once in your lifetime.
The Indonesian government did a heck of a good job in turning the historical sites into cultural parks with acres of trees and grass, even Bambee likes it.

After all those unimportant visits to the blocks of old stones, its time to do the "main" thing that brought me to Yogyakarta.
To meet up with my long lost friend and take a picture with him and his girlfriend....haha......

I'm going to Jogjakarta this coming August.
Oh...u might want to seek some assistance from Yong Lin to get cheap accom and transport.
He also can bring u around for good food.....if only he's not busy with his course work lah.
U going with who?
Pat, I culik your Borobudur pictures ah!
They said if you have seen Borobudur, Angkor wat won't be that grand anymore? true??
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