Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Thoughts on Jakarta

Jakarta, a place where people literally lived in traffic jams

A place where people drinks coke with condensed milk

It's a place where people will sing your favourite songs when you eat in a food court

It's a place where businesses could be done anywhere, anytime

A place so crazy they built antenna towers all over the city

There's so much culture differences where their pharmacy is called Apotik

A place so hungry it has so many varieties of food available:


Satey Padang

Sate Kambing

Don't know what is this, but its a delightful street snack

Cendol with avocado+ nangka

Nasi Ayam Bakar

I've seen,tasted and tried so much in Jakarta.

But most of all,

I've seen life.

Life of others which amazes me.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

To be drunk or not to be?

It's our best friends's wedding dinner.

You just get happy on these occasions and tend to say "Yummmmmmm Senggggggggggg" alot
And the end results, as expected.....the bridesgroom father sitting in weird postures
Drunken sailor moon look a like in PK................
Drunken master in action demonstrated by JC ......
Pushing and jostling to reject help from others on one moment,
and on the floor the other moment !
Really unpredictable!
Drunken master seeing no new challenge after a while....starts to sleep like a kitten
KC, although not drunk, took over the role of a loving wife.

And isn't a miracle that the drunk uncle can still shoot such nice photos in the end?

p/s: PK and JC don't kill me for this

Friday, 23 November 2007

Wedding pictures !

Yee Chung's Wedding Photos could be found here


Wedding --

Congratulations mate!

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Falling, anyone?

Have you ever asked yourself:

How well do you know how to fall? (yes, into that hole)

How well do you absorb the impact of your fall? (breakfalling, therefore no broken limbs, only scratches)

How well do you rebound after your fall? (get back on ur legs?)

Do you realise that because of your fall, you will actually affect someone else? (poor guy who lost his bedroom roof)

How do you make sure the impact on others are minimum? (pay him RM50 to kau dim)

Instead of asking yourself, can I suceed , maybe, you should ask yourself:

Do you dare to fall? ( I don't, I accidentally fell)

If your answer is yes, then congratulations, you are one step closer to suceed in life!
(I'm feeling successful now! Do you?)

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Die for your country!

"Smoking is unhealthy,but I smoked because I love my country."

That's a very patriotic statement made, but maybe not a healthy one.

But how does it make sense ?

"Hey, you know, I pay RM8.00 everyday for a pack of cigarette, and the country is getting extra income (through tax) from my consumption!" come I didn't think bout it in the first place?

"I sacrifice my own health for the country, I love Malaysia!"

That put me into shame, what have I done to show that I love my country?

Maybe I should start drinking,smoking,and buying new imported cars, don't you agreed?

He's just serious bout it isn't he?

Thursday, 15 November 2007

The Toad in Jakarta!

3 Days.
That's all it takes for me to feel guilty.
Guilty for not expecting anything in Jakarta.
And I am so wrong that I felt like a toad under the well.

I did not expect to find some of the most tastiest, dynamic, exciting and surprising food in Jakarta!
First up, there's this Nasi Goreng Komplit.
Its complete with all sorts, shrimps, beef, mutton, chicken, eggs,crackers, sausages, and vege.
Ok, it's not fantastic, but the name is funky enough to worth a mention.

Great drink, never expected this combination!

Es Kelapa Jeruk ! Coconut meat with orange juice?

Why didn't anyone back in Malaysia do this?

One of the king of Indonesian food -- Soto Betawi.

Coconut soup with beef. But that is just too short a description for it.

Too delicious.

My personal favourite and I just can't find words to describe it!

Buy a plane ticket to Jakarta to try it, and you'll know what I mean. It's worth it!

Just when I thought I've seen enough, I stumbled upon this!
What the.....Kopi Krim Soda?

Am I still in planet earth?

Ok, maybe I think so since I'm a toad.

What do normal human beings like u think?

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

The Waiting Game

I don't know what is the main cause for this overcrowded hospital pharmacy.

But isn't it a bit too much to ask someone to wait for 94 numbers (!!!) before getting his turn?
If each number takes 2 minutes to process, it'll take 3 hours !!
If each number takes 1 minute to process, I'll still have to wait for 1 and a half hours.
Call me impatient, but I do believe no one deserve the long wait!

There are things that the authorities could surely do to improve this, not only on the current situation, but maybe on a national level as well?

One tip: Try referring to how the NHS of the UK deal with the situation!

Friday, 9 November 2007

Views of Kuala Lumpur

I always think Kuala Lumpur is an unique city.
I never know there's such a view for this amazing city.

There's KL tower and Petronas Twin Towers

Breathtaking, especially at night

That's why I love my country more everyday, wouldn't you?

Sg.Gabai @ Hulu Langat

If you think this is just another banana tree in Malaysia, then you might want to rethink.

Because, besides the tree, there's this amazing natural waterfall !
With these kind of veiws ! Waterfalls!
It's not a hidden treasure, it's just need some effort and directions to be there!
People can't resist being amazed by the waterfall, the sound of water flowing and the dynamic power of nature !
Some preferred to meditate and relax in the running water .
Some just tranformed into little kids once touching water!
Some are just crazy about jumping into the water!
No matter who you are, you'll definately like the scenes here
If you're just not that adventerous, having nasi lemak while listening to the music of waterfall might be a good choice?
Now don't tell me :
there's nothing interesting,
nowhere to go,
nothing exciting in Kuala Lumpur.
You just have yet to find it!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Run for Charity, Run for Bread ?

Shame on me, never knew where exactly the Lake Gardens is although I've been in KL for 1 and a half years.

And shame on me again, for not knowing that Lake Gardens is indeed a very interesting place for relaxation, and leisure and also dating (maybe).

Worse still, never know bout Terry Fox Run until 2 weeks ago when Jaynce bugged me over and over again to participate.

I participated, and invited Vincent along and he took beautiful photos as shown. (Thanks Vincent for the lovely pictures)

Getting the crowd warmed up!

Participants getting really excited bout the event

Not exciting for you, young lad?

He ran for his life since 1995!

Great event, lovely t-shirts, lots of healthy looking girls in gorgeous sports gear (and guys, as well).

And of course, some sponsored Hi-5 breads and drinking water after the race.

Some ran for charity,and some for cancer patients; I ran for the bread and the babes.

Shame on me.

Something we should not laugh on (It is not funny)

There are three major races in Malaysia - Malay, Chinese and Indian.

The Malays have the political power and so they set up the party UMNO, which literally means "U Must Not Object".

The Chinese, on the other hand, controls most of the economy and they called their party MCA which means "Money Conquers All".

Then there are the Indians who have no say in politics or economics.

They set up their party called MIC.

Hence, every parliamentary meeting the Indians would ask: "Must I Come?"

*UMNO = United Malays National Organisation
MCA= Malaysian Chinese Association
MIC= Malaysian Indian Congress

Thursday, 1 November 2007



在快下課時教授對同學們說 :" 我和大家做個遊戲,誰願意配合我一下。"
教授說:" 請在黑板上寫下你難以割捨的二十個人的名字。"
教授說:" 請你劃掉一個這 堶惕A 認為最不重要的人。"
教授又說:" 請你再劃掉一個。"
教授再說:" 請你再劃掉一個一生中最不重要的人。"
女生又劃掉了一個。 ......
教授平靜的說 :" 請再劃掉一個。"
女生遲疑著,艱難的做著選擇 ......
" 請再劃掉一個。" 身邊又傳來了教授的聲音。
教授等她平靜了一下,問道 :"和你最親的人應該是你的父母和你的孩子,因為父母是養育的人,孩子是你親生的,而丈夫是可以重新再尋找的,為什麼丈夫反倒是你最難割捨的人呢?"
女生平靜而又緩慢地說道:" 隨著時間的推移,父母會先我而去,孩子長大成人後肯定也會離我而去,真正陪伴我度過一生的只有 我的丈夫.